Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bellerophon and Chimera (Greek Mythological Creature)

The Chimera (or sometimes spelled as Chimaera) was a monstrous beast that can breath fire in Greek mythology. There have been many descriptions of how the creature looks but in most descriptions it is part goat, lion and snake (sometimes even dragon). The Chimera is the youngest daughter of Echidna and Typhon. Chimera is female and is said to be the last child the two had together. Its siblings include other famous Greek Monsters such as the Cerberus, the Sphinx and Ladon.

Merely seeing the Chimera was a bad omen. This Greek monster appeared regularly before disasters such as violent storms, volcanic eruptions and shipwrecks.

The King Iobates had been looking for a brave warrior to slay the extremely dangerous Chimera who had been ravaging the countryside of Lycia in Anatolia. Bellerophon arrived in the kingdom bringing letters from Proetus (the King's son-in-law) recommending him as an unconquarable hero, but also requesting secretly that he be put to death. This is because Proetus was jealous of him, suspecting that his wife had fallen in love with the young hero. Iobates sent him to slay the Chimera.

Before proceeding to the combat, Polyidus advised Bellerophon to procure if possible the horse Pegasus for the conflict. He then directed Bellerophon to pass the night in the temple of Minerva. Bellerophon was given a golden bridle by Minerva, he was also told where he can meet the Pegasus. At the sight of the bridle, the powerful winged steed came willingly and suffered himself to be taken. He rode on the back of the white beautiful horse and flied to find Chimera.

Flying above the monster, Bellerophon rained down arrows on the Chimera but with little effect, the Chimera was too strong and powerful, her breath was so hot that it can melted the hero's arrowsheads. Knowing this, Bellerophon smartly attached a lump of lead to the point of the spear and then thrust it between the beast's jaws. The fiery breath of the monster melted the lead which trickled down its throat and suffocate it until the Chimera finally died.

In science, the word chimera means the combination of cells (mixing) from two different species whereas the word hybrid usually means something that you create by mixing the egg with the sperm of a different species. There are laws in place to prevent the creation of monster-human. The word chimera refers not only to composite animals but also to any monstrous, imaginary or impossible creature.

In the West, dragons are regarded as bad and evil creature but dragon in Chinese culture is regarded differently. They are considered lucky and sacred animals. Find out also more interesting information about dragon and Chinese lion dance.

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