Saturday, June 25, 2011

What Are Ivory Carvings?

The carving of ivory, mostly seen in the use of elephant tusks, has been around for centuries. It is a crafting skill that has been used as far back as ancient Byzantine and is most widely seen exemplified by the Romans and their many art remnants. However, nowadays with the use of ivory made illegal throughout most of the known world, it is an art form that has been rarefied and become one of prestigious intent.

The ivory carvings should not be constricted to just that of elephant tusks. In fact, almost any large tooth from mammals' world wide can be used. Although in some cases, the outer shell is much too hard for any carving of it to be effective. These pieces have an old world charm and a primal beauty. Ivory can be found in the Japanese Netsuke of the late Edo period and in amulets and figurines of ancient Greece and Rome.

However, the durability of these pieces, especially when exposed to the elements and the earth is limited. Therefore not much is left in way of actual carved pieces, especially in regards to Greece. Of course there are still quite a number despite being limited in quantity and these pieces are one of the most popular items on the auction block today. Art savants and museum curators are continually on the look out for original ivory carvings and archaeologists consider such a find to be quite beneficial to their research. Art savants of course usually are looking to simply add such taste to their collections. But no matter the enthusiasm towards such a piece, such a find is a valuable one.

There are of course still ivory carvings being produced, but because of the ban these are mostly black market items and replicas of original pieces. Because of this, as a buyer you will need to be cautious as to how much such an item is really worth. Also, depending on what country you are buying said piece from, you need to be aware of the customs rules: nobody wants to travel with illegal items and what may be perfectly fine in one country may not be in another.

All in all, ivory carvings are a dated practice but a beautiful one. These pieces are both elegant and primal. As jewelry or works of art, whether they are adorning a neck or a table, these pieces will add a bit of uniqueness to any atmosphere. There are a variety of forms as well, from that of animal attributes to human features and even religious statuary. So, while not everyone can have the Venus of Brassempouy in their collection, if they acquire an ivory carving of any sort they will have something to brag about.

Anita Satin Choudhary writes for Ivory Carvings Art Gallery. Browse the gallery for unique collection of artifacts from Ivory carvings.

View the original article here

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