Friday, June 24, 2011

The Second Coming of Christ: Will We Even Recognize Him?

A study of astrological ages leads to the conclusion that the religious prophesy concerning the Second Coming of Christ could be very real. And if he did return, there is concern that we might not recognize him.

The single most important aspect of Christ's ministry in Palestine was the drama around the Jewish refusal to accept him as the Messiah. This refusal led to his crucifixion, and a subsequent hatred within Christendom of the Jewish People for most of this age. The question that arises, was this just prejudice on the part of the Jews, or was there some other reason, one that has importance for us today. The Jewish inability to recognize Christ the first time could easily become our own Christian inability to recognize the Second Coming when that happens.

The answer to this lies in an understanding of astrology, particularly of astrological ages. Astrological ages are "the signs of the times" that Christ spoke of when admonishing the Pharisees and Sadducees concerning signs that he was indeed the Messiah. These ages are amazingly accurate at describing the flow of history over many thousands of years, back to at least 9000 BCE. History during this time has not been flat. It is not a straight-line rise from primitive to civilized culture. It fluctuates and changes direction with each age in accordance with the energies of the astrological signs. Along with these changes, religions also change.

The Age of Aries lasted from 2160 to 0 BCE. Aries rules war, and the religions of this age were warrior hero religions, epitomized in the Greek warrior religion of Mount Olympus, with great heroes and warring gods and goddesses. Our own Old Testament religion also honors the warrior hero, with great Hebrew warrior/heroes such as Samson and David, and warrior prophets such as Elijah who slew Canaanite priests with his bare hands. The Promised Land was a land conquered by God, in Aries warrior fashion, leading his army of Chosen People against the indigenous Canaanites.

The last 2000 years have been the Age of Pisces, dating from 0 BCE to 2160 CE. Pisces rules spirituality and transcendence. These qualities brought with it the Pisces spiritual ideal of the guru, saint and sage replacing the older warrior hero. Religions of transcendence, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism among others, have become international, and have replaced smaller local pagan religions in importance. Ahead is the Age of Aquarius, where New Age and New Thought ideals of humanism, self-help affirmations, the law of attraction, science and technology will reign supreme. Science and technology have already replaced religion as the evolutionary thrust for most of the modern world. How does this affect the prophecy of the return of the Christ?

When Christ began his ministry in Israel, he did so at a change of astrological ages, a confusing time of paradigm shift. The Jewish people, especially the religious authorities, the Pharisees and Sadducees, would not or could not accept him as the Messiah. We have traditionally been quick to judge them for their short sightedness, their greed or desire to hang onto their religious power. But there is more to this. The Jewish people could not see Jesus because the signs surrounding his ministry did not fit with the expected signs through which people everywhere come to recognize the arrival of prophetic figures.

After 2200 years of an Aries warrior spiritual paradigm, everyone had quite naturally come to expect that the Messiah would arrive as an Aries warrior hero who would lead the Jewish people to rise up against the hated Roman rulers, and create their own spiritual empire. When Christ showed himself as a Pisces savior, in response to the new Age of Pisces, preaching humility, and giving to Caesar that which is Caesar's, he disappointed Jewish expectations in a huge and disheartening way. They just could not reconcile the differences.

What does this have to do with the possible arrival of the Christ today? We are expecting a Pisces Savior at a time when the sign Aquarius is set to become the dominating energy for the future. The Second Coming will likely wear Aquarian dress and symbolism essentially hiding the true nature of this prophesied event. Aquarius rules science and technology, a system of thought that flies in the face of religious prophecy and that is seemingly opposed to anything spiritual.

The many prophetic images of this return say that he will come riding in the clouds with power and great glory. One reference has him riding a white horse on the clouds. He is followed by a host of angels and followers riding on the clouds as well. Interestingly enough these images are not strictly Christian. The Hindu Kalki Avatar is expected to arrive riding a white horse in the clouds as well. Islam sees Christ coming down out of the sky at the point of a white arcade. Native Americans are expecting the return of the Pale Prophet, the Christ as he walked the Americas following his crucifixion and ascension in Jerusalem. And Buddhists are awaiting the arrival of the Maitreya Buddha, the fifth Buddha of this present Aeon. He is pictured as a water bearer, which is the astrological image of Aquarius. So, how will this personage, the Christ, the Kalki Avatar, the Pale Prophet or the Maitreya Buddha arrive? He will very likely arrive with Aquarian science and technology.

Aquarius rules the qualities of uniqueness, revolutionary changes, and the unexpected. His arrival could easily coincide with the highly unusual, totally unexpected, wacko fringe revolutionary ideas of UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials. ET's are said to possess a highly advanced science and technology regardless of whether or not they are the less evolved Greys, as they are called, or more spiritually advanced light beings. These advanced light beings are supposedly intimate with a very high level spiritual science. They fly spacecraft that utilize an extremely advanced technology that allows ships to change direction at full speed, literally on a dime. They are many times faster than our aircraft. They can become invisible. From our perspective, this is amazing Aquarian technology.

One type of spacecraft that they supposedly use is called a cloud ship. These ships supposedly create an enveloping cloud around them that then pulls back when they wish to reveal themselves. Christ, returning riding a white horse in the clouds with power and great glory, could easily be riding in a white or shiny cloudship. These alien ships easily convey the idea of power and great glory, especially if they are the huge motherships that are miles across. This would stand out in everyone's awareness and be seen as technologically powerful and glorious.

That this Second Coming is from the stars will deflate any tendency for specific religions or even the secular community to elevate themselves above others as the chosen group within which the Savior or Avatar arrives. This will create an undeniable and necessary Aquarian equality among all peoples of the earth. And it will be revolutionary.

Presently, ET spacecraft are flying our skies, but not landing or making wide contact with us. This is presumably because we live in fear of them, and they respect our feelings. They are supposedly waiting for a more welcoming attitude before they will land to help us. What if they are our salvation in the coming days of earth changes? The idea of the Rapture says that the chosen, among all religions and all cultures around the world, not just Christian, shall be taken up to wait out the Apocalyptic destruction that is settling in around us. An army of huge alien space ships is already here to take us up to safety in the clouds. After the Apocalypse, we will then be returned to earth along with light beings ready to help us rebuild and enter into their Galactic Federation as an Aquarius civilized people.

Is this Pisces prophecy, or Pisces delusion? At least this is something that we need to think about, if we are to graduate to the golden Age of Aquarius following the Pisces Apocalypse. Can this happen? The secular scientific view says no, but our present Pisces Age rules prophecy, and more importantly, the fulfillment of prophecy. The Apocalypse is already playing itself out behind devastating weather changes over the last 30 to 40 years. Global warming is now an accepted fact. Ecological disaster is already taking a huge toll on us. Around this, the big prophecy for this age has been that of the coming of an Avatar, the Maitreya Buddha, the Second Coming of Christ. Even with science changing the rules for a new age, we still have the energy of Pisces surrounding us for the time being. It is my belief that prophesy will very likely manifest in this Second Coming. And it will likely come in the scientifically acceptable form of Aquarius.

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